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IBC-konttien ja tynnyrien kierrätystä, myyntiä sekä kunnostusta

Recycling for the environment

IBC-kontteja Paketo Recycling Oy
IBC-kontteja huolletaan

Container refurbishment and recycling - Paketo Recycling Oy is Finland's leading developer and recycler of IBC-containers. We recycle and refurbish annually approximately 60,000 IBC-containers and 10,000 barrels. 


Paketo Recycling's production is based on strict quality, environmental and safety requirements set by the authorities. Recycling of containers and barrels is subject to a permit.


Our products, facilities and working methods comply with all regulatory requirements. With the training of our staff, we have ensured the right working methods, occupational safety and good quality control.


Environment, safety and quality are our core values.


Paketo Recycling's production processes do not generate landfill waste. We supply purified plastic waste for crushing for use in the plastics industry. The steel parts pass through the press for reuse. Environmentally hazardous material goes to Fortum's waste treatment plant for incineration.

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